I am having a lot of trouble trying to match the color on a norweign rose marble. The stone has a lot of chips that I need to fill and I can’t seem to get the color matched. Do you have any helpful hints?

You are probably using a white or buff colored polyester. These colored polyesters are hard to color since they have a bright translucent hue. The best polyester to use would be a transparent type. To mix the proper color you can purchase artists oil colors at an art supply store. These oil colors are available in endless shades and blend well with polyesters. Make sure you purchase oil colors and not acrylic colors.

Article ID: 490
Created: January 20, 2022
Last Updated: January 20, 2022
Author: Pam Freitag

Online URL: https://sr-manual.com/kb/article/i-am-having-a-lot-of-trouble-trying-to-match-the-color-on-a-norweign-rose-marble-the-stone-has-a-lot-of-chips-that-i-need-to-fill-and-i-can-t-seem-to-get-the-color-matched-do-you-have-any-helpful-hints-490.html